Winners are announced

PATRIOT’S PEN WINNERS–Red Bud Auxiliary 6632 recently announced the winners of this year’s Patriot’s Pen Contest. Pictured are: Auxiliary 6632 President Kathryn Rowold, Red Bud Elementary School Principal Ryan McClellan, Claire Deterding, Lilly Minemann, Nora Rothlisberger, Auxiliary 6632 Scholarship Chairman Jeanette Chartrand and teacher Jill Nobbe.

Auxiliary to Red Bud VFW Post 6632 is proud to announce the winners from their 2022 Patriot’s Pen contest.

The Patriot’s Pen essay contest is open to sixth, seventh and eighth grade students in public, home-school, private or parochial schools. The theme for this year’s essay was “My Pledge to our Veterans.” There were a total of 113 entries from the following schools: Red Bud Elementary, St. John’s Lutheran, St. John’s Catholic and Prairie du Rocher.

This year’s winners were: Claire Deterding, first place; Lilly Minemann, second place; and Nora Rothlisberger, third place. All are eighth graders at Red Bud Elementary.

For more on the winners, please see this week’s print edition.