READY TO SHARE 300 STORIES–Brothers Gerry and Dan Franklin look over copies of the “300 Years – 300 Stories” book they put together to commemorate Prairie du Rocher’s 300th anniversary. Copies of the book will be available starting this weekend at the annual La Fete de Noel event.
It’s been a work in progress and a labor of love for several years, but now the “300 Years – 300 Stories” book to commemorate the 300th anniversary of Prairie du Rocher is complete.
The book was put together by brothers Dan and Gerry Franklin, who sat down with the North County News recently to discuss it.
Gerry noted that originally he was thinking the project of collecting 300 stories from the community would result in a small pamphlet or “bathroom reader” style book. But it grew into something bigger, as they collected more than 300 stories.
For more on the 300 stories book, please see this week’s print edition.