Sixth installment of Rebuild Illinois funds awarded

Governor JB Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Transportation recently announced that the sixth and final $250 million installment as part of the historic, bipartisan Rebuild Illinois capital program is being made to counties, municipalities and townships to address local transportation needs.

“The landmark, bipartisan Rebuild Illinois infrastructure plan is the largest infrastructure investment in state history,” said Pritzker. “And it’s not just roads and bridges that are being rebuilt. Rebuild Illinois is also expanding upgrading and modernizing broadband, universities and community colleges, airports, river ports, state parks, healthcare institutions, state residential facilities, and small business innovation hubs—all while creating and supporting hundreds of thousands of good paying union jobs. At its very core, Rebuild Illinois is an investment in our future—one that leads to economic prosperity and environmental sustainability for our entire state.”

For more information, please see this week’s print edition.