Red Bud VFW Auxiliary received awards at Illinois Convention

PRESENTED AWARDS–The Red Bud Auxiliary and some of its members were presented awards at the recently held VFW/Auxiliary Department of Illinois Convention. Pictured at the event are: Department President Lynn Smith, and Past Department Presidents and District President of the Year Committee members Diane Pancake and Mercie Woolfolk, Red Bud Auxiliary President Kathryn Rowold, and Past Department President and District President of the Year Committee member Ruth Smit-Bigos.

PRESENTED AWARDS–The Red Bud Auxiliary members Bronda Hubler and Cheryl Miller were both presented awards at the recent VFW/Auxiliary Department of Illinois Convention.

The VFW/Auxiliary Department of Illinois Convention was held in Springfield on June 7-8.

The Red Bud Auxiliary and Auxiliary members were recipients of several awards.

For a full list of the awards, please see this week’s print edition.