The latest Hometown Hero featured by Red Bud VFW Post 6632 is Paul E. Johnson.
Johnson, of Red Bud, served in the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam War.
His family shared the following citation information noting the presentation of his Bronze Star medal.
“For heroic achievement in connection with operations against insurgent communist (Viet Cong) forces in the Republic of Vietnam while serving with Company C, Third Tank Battalion on 24 September 1966. During an armored march, the last four tanks in the column were ambushed by a North Vietnamese unit of company size.
“A heavy volume of small arms fire and anti-tank fire swept the vehicles, instantly disabling two of them. Reacting quickly and with exceptional military skill, Sergeant Johnson moved his empty flame tank to the scene in order to cover the two tanks with his machine guns.”
For more on Johnson, please see this week’s print edition.