CELEBRATE–Devin Hall hoists teammate Nick Gantner in celebration of one of Gantner’s three touchdowns at Red Bud’s 40-0 victory over Dupo last Friday night. The Musketeers will take their 5-1 record to Wesclin this Friday to battle the Warriors.
by Brian Magee
The Red Bud Musketeers improved to 5-1 with a dominating win over conference rival Dupo last Friday night.
The Boys got off to a quick start scoring two touchdowns in the first quarter; here’s how it happened. The first score came on a 37 yard pass play from quarterback Thomas Friess to senior Devin Hall just over three minutes into the contest. The PAT kick failed, but Red Bud was up 6-0. The second score came on a 12 yard run by Nick Gantner for the touchdown. This time Lane Brockmeyer’s kick split the uprights making it 13-0 at the end of the first quarter.
For more from the game, please see this week’s print edition.