COOKIE ALL STARS–Lily Burke and Alison Koester, both of Red Bud, were recently recognized as All-Star Cookie Entrepreneurs by the Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois. The pair is pictured at a recent Girl Scout event.
Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois (GSofSI) has wrapped up the annual Girl Scout Cookie Program for 2021. Girl Scouts are known for being resilient, so they weren’t going to let a pandemic get in the way of crushing their goals. Girls in southern Illinois sold 512,568 packages of Girl Scout Cookies this year.
The following girls were recognized as All-Star Cookie Entrepreneurs for their respective areas: Alison Koester and Lily Burke, both from Red Bud in the North Randolph County Service Unit; and Kamryn Patterson, of Steeleville in the South Randolph County Service Unit. All three girls sold 750 packages each.
For more on this story, please see this week’s print edition.