Evansville has lost another trustee, although this time the trustee will continue to serve the village.
At Monday night’s Evansville Village Board meeting, the board had listed on the agenda consideration of the applications received for the part time position at the water plant. Only one application had been submitted though, and it was from Trustee Craig Valleroy.
Valleroy was one of the three trustees that Village President Kenny Kempfer appointed to empty trustee positions shortly after being sworn in at the board’s May meeting this year.
After a brief executive session, which Valleroy sat out of, the board reconvened. Kempfer noted that they had discussed a pay scale for the part time position. The board then approved of both the proposed pay scale and of offering the position to Valleroy, with Valleroy abstaining on both votes.
Valleroy submitted his formal resignation as a village trustee, which the board accepted, and then accepted the position.
For more from the Evansville Village Board meeting, please see this week’s print edition.