Village hall updates discussed in Evansville

Moving forward with updates to the village hall was discussed at the Jan. 13 Evansville Village Board meeting.

Back in November, the village had been notified that they would be receiving around $54,000 as a grant from the state. They had planned to use these funds to replace the village hall roof, upgrade the library’s HVAC system and replace the guttering on the building.

Monday night, it was noted that they would be receiving a total of $53,910 as a grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. Village Clerk Bethany Wunderlich added that they were nearing the point in the grant process where they could start to solicit bids for the updates.

This led to the discussion on what the board would like to do with the village hall roof – keep it as shingles or switch to a metal roof.

For more from the Evansville board meeting, please see this week’s print edition.