RBHS DRAMA CLUB PRESENTS–This weekend, the Red Bud High School Drama Club will present their spring musical, “Annie.” Pictured are the cast and crew: in front: Steven Allen, Miranda Hesch, Renee Roider, Kylie Deterding, Lydia Chambers, Coco Woods, Gage Junge and Nolan Mudd; in the middle: Christa Chambers, Michelle McBride, Ariha Root, Timothy Donjon, Alaina Smith, Lily Junge, Maleah Howell, Mackenzie Schraeder and Emma Kiefer; in back: Claire Rhodes, Jenna Whelan, Presley Billingsley, Allyson Rohlfing, Jacob Sharrock, Katharine Bishop, Alex Hollowell, Makayla Liefer, Katie Popejoy, Olivia Candler and John McClellan.
The Red Bud High School Drama Club has been working hard for the last few months to prepare for their spring musical, “Annie.”
The cast and crew are made up of 30 talented students who look forward to bringing this classic Broadway musical to life this weekend.
For more on the play, please see this week’s print edition.