HELD SUCCESSFUL DRILL–At the conclusion of Tuesday morning’s lockdown drill at Red Bud Elementary School, school administrators and Red Bud Police officers gathered in the hallway to discuss their findings. All felt that the drill was very successful. This drill is just part of the process in ensuring all the students and staff at the school are safe.
On the morning of Oct. 15, Red Bud Elementary School held a lockdown drill with the Red Bud Police Department.
Principal Mitch North explained in an email to parents last week, “This drill will not simulate an active threat. We will simply announce that the lockdown drill is beginning. Students will move to an area of the room where they are not visible from the door and remain quiet. Staff will make sure that the door(s) are securely locked and then administration and law enforcement will move through the building checking interior and exterior doors. Once we have completed all of our checks, class will resume like normal.
For more on the drill, please see this week’s print edition.