FLOOD BUCKETS–This is what 94 five-gallon “flood” buckets filled with supplies to use to clean up after a flood looks like. Filling them was a challenge of “What’s Your 80?” initiated by the National Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) in celebration of its 80th year as an organization. The challenge was met by the Sow & Grow LWML and friends at Trinity Lutheran Church in Prairie. Pictured with the buckets are: in front: Marilyn Liefer, Janice Cowell, Lois Eckert, Mary Hamilton, Lori Woods, Charlene Woods and Jane Lucht; in back: Heather and Pastor Scott Hojnacki, Luann Nurnberger, Denise Heller and Margie Buch. The buckets were donated to the Lutheran Response Program.
The question “What’s Your 80?” is a challenge in thanksgiving for 80 years of the national Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) to all its members throughout the country.
LWML is the leading group for The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) women where each woman is welcomed and encouraged to use her unique God-given gifts as she supports global missions and serves the Lord with gladness. Lutheran Women in Mission joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions and equip women to honor God by serving others.
For more information, please see this week’s print edition.