RIBBON CUTTING–A ribbon cutting was held Oct. 2 for the new splash pad located at Ratz Memorial park. Pictured with Mayor Susan Harbaugh and Parks and Recreation Chairman Tim Fahey, are city officials, Parks and Recreation Committee members, Community Foundation members, project general contractor Nevois Construction – Rodney and Kim Nevois, a Farnsworth representative and some very excited children ready to play on the splash pad.

BUCKET SPLASH–Red Bud city officials as well as Parks and Recreation committee members held a ribbon cutting for the new splash pad located at Ratz Memorial park. The children in attendance enjoyed the splash pad activities following the ribbon cutting.
The wait is finally over! On the afternoon of Wednesday, Oct. 2, Red Bud’s long awaited splash pad was finally opened to the public.
The splash pad was just one, albeit a big and highly anticipated, part of the Ratz Park Renovation Project.
At the splash pad’s ribbon cutting, Mayor Susan Harbaugh thanked those in attendance, which included members of the city council and leadership team, the parks and recreation committee, the economic development commission, the planning commission, the library board, the Community Foundation of Red Bud, the contractors/those who worked on the project, and some very excited children.
For more on the splash pad, please see this week’s print edition.