CELEBRATE 50 YEARS–The North County Country Club held a celebration for its members on May 22 in recognition of the 50th anniversary. Pictured in front, from left: Larry Ehlers, Barbara Koester and Earl Sachtleben, long standing members since 1971. In back, board directors: Andrew Stellhorn, Klayton Coop, Chris Schield, Lenny Colbert, Rodney Nevois, Robbie Aubuchon, Jana Kueker and Don Horrell. Not present is board director Luke Durbin.
On Memorial Day, May 30, 1971, the North County Country Club golf course became a reality. Mayor Elmer Schuchmann snipped the ceremonial ribbon and the opening ceremonies began.
Charles Mudd teed up a golf ball for Eugene Meister, winner of the drawing to be the first person to officially tee-off. Doris Lueck, Rosemary Draves, Mayor Schuchmann and Clarence Guebert were the winners of the drawing to be the first official foursome to play.
Now 50 years later, a celebration was held on May 22 commemorating the anniversary. Members enjoyed a day of golf, food, music and history, along with reminiscing. Three long standing members of the North County Country Club, Barbara Koester, Earl Sachtleben and Larry Ehlers were in attendance and recognized. A plaque commemorating the minutes of the very first meeting of the initial board of directors held Feb. 11, 1969, was also presented and will be hung in the clubhouse.
For more on NCCC’s 50thanniversary, please see this week’s print edition.