ATHLETES OF THE MONTH–The Red Bud High School athletes for the month of February are Jeda Friess and Ty Carter. Pictured from left: award sponsor Jena Gibbs, realtor brokered by eXp Realty, Friess, Carter, Wrestling Coach Rob Pipher and Athletic Director Dane Walter.
The Red Bud High School athletes for the month of February are Sophomore Jeda Friess and Junior Ty Carter. Friess was nominated by Cheer Coach Miki Friess. Wrestling Coach Rob Pipher nominated Carter.
“Jeda works so hard at two sports while maintaining straight A’s taking advanced classes,” said Coach Friess.
“It is an honor to nominate Ty Carter as RBHS Athlete of the Month for February,” said Coach Rob Pipher.
For more on the athletes of the month, please see this week’s print edition.