TEACHER OF THE YEAR–Red Bud High School teacher Angela Dahm was recently named as the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher of the Year at the district level. Pictured at the presentation are: Chairman Mick Cohogan, Red Bud VFW Commander Clarence Nail, Dahm, VFW District 14 Commander Steve Eller and VFW District 14 Auxiliary President Cheryl Miller.
Red Bud VFW Post #6632 is proud to announce that another teacher from the Red Bud VFW Post area has been named the VFW Teacher of the Year at the VFW District 14 level.
Receiving the honor for this year is Angela Dahm, who is a social studies teacher at Red Bud High School. It was announced last December that Dahm was the local post winner for the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award. She advanced on to the VFW District 14 level.
For more on the Teacher of the Year award, please see this week’s print edition.