Group recognized by county for actions taken to save woman’s life

HONORED FOR HEROIC EFFORTS–Randolph County Sheriff Shannon Wolff, at far right, and Chief Deputy Jarrod Peters, at far left, recognized the efforts of six men who rescued a woman on Jan. 21. Recognized were: Randolph County Deputy Jonathan Barbour, Steeleville Police Officers Chase Usher and Justin Baker, and citizens Willis Keller, Zach Kothe and Ethan Kothe.

A special recognition was made at the Feb. 19 Randolph County Board of Commissioners meeting to honor the heroic efforts of a group of citizens and officers.

Randolph County Sheriff Shannon Wolff explained that on Jan. 21 around 11 p.m., there was a traffic crash outside Steeleville on Rockcastle Road. The vehicle had two passengers, a mother and daughter, inside. In the accident, the vehicle ran off the road, overturned and came to rest on its side by a tree. With the engine on fire, the daughter was able to get out of the vehicle but the mother was trapped.

Three civilians and three officers responded to the crash and offered assistance: Randolph County Deputy Jonathan Barbour, Steeleville Officers Chase Usher and Justin Baker, and Willis Keller, Zach Kothe and Ethan Kothe.

“These six gentlemen helped saved this woman’s life,” Wolff stated. He added that rescue efforts included using fire extinguishers and even a trash can filled with water to attempt to put out the fire. Barbour even climbed into the car in an effort to help the trapped woman out.

For more from the Board of Commissioners meeting, please see this week’s print edition.